North Buffalo Animal Hospital

Pet Pain Management in Buffalo, NY

Sometimes the first priority in caring for your pet is helping reduce pain as a result of injury, disease, or age-related conditions such as arthritis. Pain management is about improving your pet’s quality of life while we concurrently work to address the root causes of their pain.

Acute Pain Management

Acute pain is the term used to describe sharp, biting pain that usually results from an injury or sudden and urgent health issue. Acute pain in pets can lead to intense distress, which in turn can leave owners feeling equally distressed.

When we encounter a pet with acute pain, our priority is to alleviate the pain quickly and identify the cause of the pain just as quickly, as acute pain is often the sign of a potentially serious issue that may be hiding beneath the surface.

The good news is that our veterinary team is deeply experienced in a range of treatments for acute pain management, involving both medications and non-pharmacologic methods such as cold compression and massage.

Chronic Pain Management

North Buffalo Animal Hospital - Pain Management

Chronic pain is less intense and sudden than acute pain, but can be much more long-lasting and sometimes more difficult to treat. Chronic pain oftenly comes from ongoing ailments, including arthritis, hip dysplasia, and more. It’s more frequently associated with older pets, though young and otherwise healthy pets can also experience chronic pain.

We use everything from safe medications to non-pharmacological means and ancient Chinese traditional veterinary medicine to help treat chronic pain in pets. We treat every instance of chronic pain as its own individual case, coming up with a plan that’s right for your pet’s specific and unique needs to help improve their quality of life today and in the future.

Join the North Buffalo Animal Hospital Family Today!

Phone: 716-876-6023

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